A Journey to a Healthier Me

Welcome to

A Journey to a Healthier Me

A Journey To A Healthier Me Is Born!

Hi! I’m Kaksha Maharaj, a young woman who was silenced at a young age and throughout life until I decided enough was enough. Ever since I was 12 years old, I learned as much as I could, sought out resources to help, figured out the tools I needed during rough times, and applied all that I could. I overcame 21 years of traumas and abuse and worked my way to a healthier lifestyle filled with serenity and freedom. I now help others find their voice and guide them to live the life they’ve always dreamt of.

Do you want to become healthier and more at peace with yourself?

It is easy to get lost in the chaos life has to offer, whether it’s because of the darkness or because we feel comforted by it. When we have been in the darkness for so long, it’s not uncommon to feel stuck or comfortable. Sometimes, we need an outside perspective or guidance to help us get the momentum to progress towards our goals. The outside perspective is often seen as the light to guide you out of the dark. I’m the mentor who changes that narrative. It isn’t me that lights your path, but you learn that I’m simply holding a mirror. The light you’re seeing is always within you. You just needed help to see it and we all need help sometimes. There is no shame in needing guidance when you feel lost.

What I Offer For Good Overall Health?

Comfort and knowledge with information on the following areas:

Mental Health

Basic information and resources for mental health.


I provide workouts, charts and videos to help you keep your goals in mind and give you motivation to continue crushing it!


This includes travel, food, fashion all as motivation about life and living it to it's fullest!

Personal Development

Improving yourself one step at a time. Plus as they say, "A Journey with a thousand miles begins with a single step".

My Journey

My story about what it took to get to where I am today.

Recent Posts


Let’s Talk About Lifestyles!

Can we all agree that different lifestyles exist and not everyone must desire the same one? No one is wrong to want something different. For …

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My Journey

Welcome to Our Community!!!

It is the start of a new year, and I would first like to welcome each of you to my brand! You’re automatically a community …

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Personal Development

It’s Wellness Wednesday!

Have you been dealing with being silenced or misunderstood for a while? You’re not the only one. I have a special message for those who …

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Personal Development

Daily Dedications: Motivation Monday!

Happy Monday! I’ve seen a lot of requests about change and where to start, so I decided to explain exactly where you can begin. Anyone …

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Daily Dedications are HERE!!!

I want to apologize for being so offline; I had to put my health first. I’ll explain more in a video later this week, but …

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My Journey

Adventures of an Insomniac

This is probably one of the most stable nights I’ve had, which of course gave me the idea to make a video. Check it out …

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