A Journey to a Healthier Me

Maintaining Well-Being Through Stressful Times

Although at the moment, it feels like everything is beyond your control. Allow me to remind you that each struggle you overcome helps you grow. You get stronger on so many different levels. During those tough times, we may feel lost about what to do. Here are some suggestions:

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It is okay to just lay down for a while to decompress. Allow yourself to rest enough to get back up and conquer the day!

Listen to your body

Our bodies react to stress differently than our minds. If you wear a smartwatch, you may notice when your heart rate is elevated when you’re not doing any activity. It can be an indicator that your body is reacting to stress. If you aren’t under any, it could be a delayed reaction due to the fight or flight responses. When we are stressed out, there are multiple factors at play,,, and the body uses up all the energy to protect itself from harm. Some physiological responses such as:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Headache
  • Muscle tension
    • tight shoulders, back, and/or jaw
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms
    • acid reflux
    • stomach ache
    • constipation
    • diarrhea
  • Sweating
  • Dry mouth
  • Heart palpitations or arythmia
  • Skin rashes
  • Lowered immunity
  • Weight gain or loss

Limit your focus

Make a list of all of your stressors.

Everything beyond your control. Look at each that is left and rank in order of what can be taken care of first. Determine which is more important to you. Is it the ones that take less time to handle or is it the ones that will relieve you the most emotionally? No one else can make that decision. You know yourself best and please trust your instincts.

Take a break

We are ALIVE! We were not meant to just live a life working and barely living. You need rest to recuperate from all of the hard work. Your body needs rest so we nap or have a self care treatment. What about when our mind needs rest? Some choose to party, some may drink alcohol, some may travel, and some may do absolutely nothing, but enjoy the peace. We all are different and have different needs. Even if you’re so busy or overwhelmed, just spend even 10 minutes outdoors. No distractions, but truly enjoying nature and its beauty. Disconnect from technology for a period of time and bring back your self awareness. You never know…maybe you’ll learn something new about yourself.

Exercise your mind and body

There are so many ways we can exercise and it may take time for you to find what you like. Just because you don’t enjoy what seems to be the “norm” doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to explore what activities exist out there. We live in a world filled with diversity and it is okay if you’re the one bringing it into your social circle.

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Walks
  • Gym
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Hiking
  • Dancing
  • Read a book
  • Work on puzzles
  • And so much more!

Fuel your body

You are accomplishing so much on daily! You must properly nourish yourself so you can continue being that superstar you are! Stay hydrated and eat as much healthy foods/snacks you can! It is okay to have a treat, but remember, those do nothing for your body, but help you emotionally. Focus on what your body needs and watch the difference over time!

Careers are a part of your life

Somehow over the years working 40+ hours has normalized and anything less immediately tells us that others are not working hard enough. If you are doing the BEST you can given your circumstances, then you ARE doing enough and you ARE enough. NO ONE can tell you otherwise. You only need to work enough to provide for your lifestyle. There are ways to accomplish this, but sometimes you have to do what others refuse to.

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