A Journey to a Healthier Me

Feeling stuck?

Whether you are stuck with a mindset that no longer serves you or trapped in a chaotic mind, I have been in both positions, and I can assure you, there are many more that can relate. You are not alone.

There are infinite methods of improving your current situation, but not everything is universal. This is not meant to take away hope but to remind that part of you vicious to your mind and heart that there are options. It just takes some experimenting to see what works for you.

Due to my health, sitting down to read for long periods of time was nearly impossible for YEARS. I felt trapped, and I knew at that time that my current situation was not my final destination. I also knew I needed to try something out of my comfort zone, which led me down the path of reading works that can provide value to me and help others.

Why others?

I know what motivates me. Helping others has been my passion since I was a child, and that will always be who I am. I refuse to let that part of me go. Can you imagine if I did? All of this that I’m creating would still be an idea I once had.

I also know acts of kindness and helping others solely for their benefit brings a different sense of indescribable fulfillment. Finding ways to help people through ways you love can help you achieve this.

What helped me “snap out of it?”

The first book I decided to read was Power of Now. It may have taken me longer than most to finish the whole thing, again, due to health, but the impact of the lessons I learned is still with me to this day. This was the start of my journey to expand my mind. There is so much knowledge globally, and that is the one luxury NO ONE can take from you.

I strongly recommend Power of Now to everyone. Regardless of where you are in your life, you can learn some valuable lessons and, for some, even gain more clarity.

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