You can lead the horse to the water, but you can’t make it drink.
Can you make a list of experiences you want to enjoy?
My list has been growing at an alarming rate and, comment below if you can relate to this at all. You have what seems to be a neverending bucket list, but due to circumstances, experiences keep getting added. I know I’m not the only one that explores Instagram and saves travel ideas or activities I’ve wanted to try.
What are your intentions with this list of yours?
Unless you’re like me and love making lists, chances are you originally would make it happen. Somewhere along the way, life happened, and it is insane how easy it is to get lost in a mediocre life. Do you plan on saying “I wish” or “one day” for the rest of your life? Probably not.
When are you deciding to act upon your heart’s desires?
Studies show that one of the biggest regrets was not being able to live life to the fullest on one’s deathbed. It is a matter of ONE decision you have complete control over. If you’re not satisfied with your current lifestyle, you owe it to yourself to make some changes. Remember, they don’t need to be drastic changes or even spend money you don’t really have. Even the smallest changes can make a significant difference in morale. It is all up to you.
Why not do things differently while you still can?
I hit burnout after working constantly and going to school because that’s what was expected of me. I never took breaks, even when dealing with traumas. Yes, I know that’s unhealthy, which is why I’m advocating against it. I do NOT recommend it because that is not living but is existing in the world. Enough was enough, and I made a decision.
Friday, July 16, 2021, I officially crossed horseback riding off my bucket list.
Challenge: Complete an activity or go on an adventure from your list.