A Journey to a Healthier Me


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You are here because you are in the process of learning more. It doesn’t matter what you choose to learn as long as you apply it to improve your lifestyle.

Welcome to our community! By liking our Facebook page and subscribing to our YouTube channel, you have fully acknowledged that you want to embark upon a journey to a healthier YOU! I am so proud of you!

Why is this important?

Before you can improve your lifestyle, you must first become aware that there is an issue. You already did that when you knew that you weren’t living the life you’ve dreamt of. This is also known as acknowledgment or identifying the problem. Next comes what you choose to do about the problem. Sometimes we need a little motivation or support from somewhere that will not judge us on our journey. One way or another, you were introduced to this community, and it wasn’t by coincidence.

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You are self-aware but often choose to silence it. You have your reasons, but I’m asking you to look within and no longer be silent about what you need.

This is meant for YOU.


Whether you are feeling alone or even just wanted to become a part of something bigger. I longed for a community where I can belong and truly be myself. After overcoming 21 years of trauma and NEVER finding a place to belong, I decided to create it. I know there are more of me out there just wishing they belonged somewhere. To each of you, I want to apologize that you had to endure such experiences, and I cannot change them; if you allow me to, I would like to see what I can do to help you.

You have absolutely nothing to lose but have so much to gain. Whether I can help you personally or if I am the one connecting you to someone that can truly help. I am working in such vast networks that I know people that have such diverse specialties. Sometimes it is not just about what you know but WHO you know.

People are paying hundreds, if not THOUSANDS, to have access to what is being provided here at absolutely NO cost to you. If you are here after all this and are still CHOOSING not to participate in the survey, comment on posts, or send an email, then you’re deciding to continue in strife. I do not wish that life upon anyone. Everything shared is CONFIDENTIAL. So what is it that is holding you back?

You belong here. Welcome home!

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You are like a missing piece to the puzzle. You may feel insignificant for a variety of reasons, but this community will be incomplete without you.

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