A Journey to a Healthier Me

Can you feel the shift?


I know it has been a while since this page launched, and so many of you are a part of this community. I watch my pages grow gradually, and it gives me that push I need to keep going.

Thank you so much for giving me that motivation and for being a part of our community. There is a big vision of this brand, and I hope I can make everyone proud.

We are living in a time of uncertainty. We have had to live in fear, frustration, anxiety, despair, stress, and negative emotions. We are all exhausted. Then we saw the shifts with the vaccine and all those effects. I have seen people living again, and there are still those surviving in fear. Now we are divided in so many ways, but I can understand both sides. I am neutral in that debate, but have you noticed the shift? There is one within each of us, but also we are living through a GLOBAL PANDEMIC. No matter where you were before it, we are ALL together during these difficult times. We are all figuring out how to live when one day in history books is the chaos of a chapter (good luck, students), but this is not a black or white situation. There is a major gray area and so many factors to consider as well.

Why am I bringing this up?

I’m in a position in my life where it is a transition. I’ll post an about me video soon with more details, but for now, I opened up a bit and showed a side I NEVER show others. I decided to get out of my comfort zone and show what it looks like. We all know, but things get chaotic when we have been in survival mode with no energy to live in cleanliness properly. Those living with mental illnesses have periods of time where doing something as basic as keeping clean or organized becomes a struggle. I stated above my attempt to have everyone understand what I’m about to show you all.

I promise you. How you’re managing during these uncertain times is okay. No matter how hard others are being on you, do not allow those comments to stick in your brain. Do NOT repeat those comments to yourself. Stop the harsh comments to yourself. I know it is easier said than done, but this comes from someone who used to be that way for years. I learned that when I was a child and saw the effects of doing those things for an extended period of time. I have been there. I am also telling you that you can still stop. It doesn’t matter how old you are, but it takes time to break the habit. Couldn’t stop before? Let’s work on it together.

Now, time for the moment of truth.

I recorded this on the 1st of September because I wanted to start strong. I did upload this video on youtube that night, but here is an authentic, unedited update for those who haven’t seen it yet. My thoughts are chaotic, and I’ll practice keeping things connected, but I will still show what it is like for someone like me to voice their thoughts. I apologize for the lengthy video; we are all about showing the journey of growth, and it is not pretty, nor is it linear. This is what you will always get from me—the real side.

When we get back up again, we are not starting from the beginning. We are starting from a new version of ourselves that rose from experience. Keep moving forward!

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