A Journey to a Healthier Me

Can you relate?

Sometimes when we have so much to do, but there is something within that is yearning to come out. Everyone has their outlets, and poetry is one of mine. There is a variety of writing styles, and seeing what people have to say can be astonishing. You never know how someone may feel, but it all becomes surreal when you focus on understanding. We all want to be understood, but trying to understand has yet to be normalized. Times are improving, and I hope this encourages more people to open up more with a purpose.

Here are a couple of poems I wrote two weeks ago upon self-reflecting.

There is something heavy in my heart

I’m not sure what else to do but stay apart.

I don’t want to lose myself once more

I’ve made that mistake, and my heart is sore

I refuse to waste another dime

Any more energy wasted is not worth my time

I desire to make memories that will last

All the negativity will remain in the past

After writing this, I was able to move forward and get some work done. Until I realized my heart was still heavy. After crying it out for a couple of hours and journaling, I wrote this:

From this day on, I’ll take any lessons with me

Whatever is meant for me will be

I’ve fought so hard in my life

I refuse to continue in strife

There were people I needed to release

Ultimately, those memories cost me peace

That cost is extremely high

Although it hurt, I needed to say goodbye

What comes next may not be an easy feat

It’s time to decide whether to evolve or repeat.

The only person to make that choice is you.

It’s your duty to yourself always to remain true.

Both of these poems came from someone who has finally reached acceptance. It has taken time to get to this point, but it is also hard work. We are all aware of the saying “time heals all wounds,” but other factors are involved. Without doing the work, no amount of time can heal a wound. It would be more like a bad patch up for a flat tire, where the slightest nick can cause serious damage. It may seem like a flat, but depending on the circumstances, it may affect more than one person.

Listen to what your body is telling you. If you need to do the work, then please do so. It may be tedious now, but if it means freedom and peace for the long term, isn’t that worth it?

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